Does Your Water Quality Need a Boost?
A professional plumber should know what the biggest challenges are going to be regarding the water quality in your area and exactly what water treatment systems will provide the best solutions.
Why Replacing Your Boiler May Be Worthwhile
The boiler is one of the two great workhorses of the home heating world. (The other one is the furnace.) They have stayed around for so long because… well, they have the ability to stay around for a long time. Boilers have a longevity that few heating systems can match, and they need fewer repairs than furnaces or heat pumps do because they have fewer mechanical parts. With proper maintenance done annually, a boiler can last over 20 years.
Heating Tip: Does Humidity Affect Heating Efficiency?
Are you in need of a indoor air quality service? Call the Ramsey heating experts at Air Mechanical. We can help you choose the right indoor air quality system for your home and situation. Humidity and moisture control issues do affect heating efficiency...
Heating Tip: Gas Furnace Safety Features and Other Settings
Be sure to call one of the Ramsey heating experts at Air Mechanical the next time you need any type of service for your gas furnace. It’s important to know how your furnace works and how to control the safety features and other settings.
Reasons To Install Garage Heating in Ham Lake
Heating is expensive in Ham Lake. Probably the largest expense you have related to the comfort control of your home. So, why would you consider installing a heating system for your garage ...
What to Do if Your Furnace is Not Producing Enough Heat: A Tip from Richfield
If your Richfield home is cold, many blame the furnace for not bringing up the warm temperatures or they blame the thermostat for not working right. It may very well be a thermostat issue – often caused by...
Heat Pumps and Energy Efficiency: A Tip
Heat pumps offer a number of great benefits. For one, they are inclusive heating and cooling solutions, so they can maintain your Ramsey home at a comfortable temperature year round without the need for an additional system.
Home Repairs You Don’t Want to Ignore: A Guide From Rogers
There are a lot of things you need to take care of around your Rogers home. But, everything costs money so many homeowners will put off certain home repairs for weeks, months or even years until they can afford them.
Scald Free Showers and Bathtubs: Scald Prevention Methods
One of the worst things that can happen to you in a shower is when a sudden blast of scalding hot water strikes you unexpectedly. This is a problem for many people and usually happens when someone turns on the cold water at another tap in your Ramsey house.
How Much Water Will I Save with a Low Flow Toilet?
There are many reasons why you might want to save water in your home. Not only does it save you money, cutting down on your annual water bill, but it allows you to do your part in reducing the impact of modernity on our environment....That is why the advent of the low flush toilet has been very well received. While the 1.6 gpf toilet (standard toilets are 3.5 gpf) was originally invented in the 1990s, it is only now becoming more widespread as issues with things like clogging and multiple flushes were commonplace with the earliest models.
Why Choose a Programmable Thermostat?
There are many types of thermostats available for your home, but which is the best for your particular needs? It depends largely on how often you are home, how many rooms you have and how people in your house use each of those rooms.
How a Water Softener Works
You use water for many things. It is necessary for bathing, cooking, washing clothes and for drinking. But the water we use in our homes is not pure. It has plenty of other minerals and additives suspended inside. While some of these, like fluoride, are intentionally added to the water supplies in certain areas, some others get in by chance.