Make Sure to Jump On Those Heat Pump Repairs
Here are some warning signs to watch out for that will tell you when something is going wrong with your heat pump.
Break Free of the Noisy AC!
Check out this list of common concerning sounds that your system might make that indicate it needs AC repair in Plymouth, MN.
Don’t Forget: Clean Air is Comfortable Air!
Our team can help with getting you the best air quality and ensuring that clean air is being cooled by a great AC system.
5 Signs You Need AC Repairs
It may actually help to know what the signs are to look for that you do need to get a repair for your cooling system.
It’s Not Too Late to Schedule AC Maintenance
If you are realizing that you blanked on scheduling your yearly tune-up, it's okay!
3 Ways To Improve Your Water Quality
It may be time to consider making an addition to your Plymouth plumbing system to clear up your water supply.
4 Geothermal Heating Maintenance Requirements
Just like any Plymouth HVAC system, your geothermal heating system has maintenance needs.
Drain Cleaners Aren’t Your Friend! Here’s Why.
When it comes to dealing with a stubborn drain clog, you should always reach out to a professional Plymouth plumber for assistance. And here is why.
5 Ways to Tell You Need Draining Cleaning Services
You know that feeling when you pull a wad of hair out of your shower drain? It isn't a good one.
Here’s Why You Should Install a Furnace
There are a number of reasons why you should consider installing a furnace in your home.
Here’s What Makes Zone Control Awesome
There are so many benefits of installing a zone control system in your home.
How You Benefit from Whole-Home Surge Protection
Are you keeping you home safe? Think past home security systems, locks, and secure windows—are you safe in the face of disaster?
Plumbing Repair Tip: How Much Water Does a Leaky Faucet Waste?
A leaky faucet can be a real annoyance. The rate at which the drips come out can determine how much water you are actually losing on a given day, week, or even year. For a home that has one leaky faucet which drips only once a minute...
Rosemount HVAC Experts Q/A: What Is Geothermal Heating?
Having a geothermal heating system installed in your Rosemount residence means that you will actually be able to heat your home with heat extracted from the ground. If this sounds a bit preposterous to you, you are certainly not alone.
How a Furnace Works: A Guide from Champlin
Do you know how your furnace works? Believe it or not, lots of Champlin homeowners probably can’t explain the operation of furnace. It probably isn’t at the top of your “to do” list. It’s only important to know that...
Furnace vs. Heat Pump: Some Pointers from Golden Valley
If you’re preparing to replace your existing heating system in your Golden Valley home, you may very well be struggling with the question of whether to go with a furnace or a heat pump for your future home heating needs.
What Should You Do if Your Furnace Fan Doesn’t Run? (and Happy Halloween Weekend!)
Everyone at Air Mechanical wishes you a Happy Halloween weekend! We hope you have a great time dressing up and eating lots of candy! And today we are sharing with you what to do if a scary situation occurs: your furnace fan stops running.