A Whistling Water Heater is a Problem
A whistling water heater is usually due to a specific issue in your system--the build-up of sediment inside it creating problems with the heating process.
These Issues Indicate You Have a Leak
If you are debating whether or not you need professional plumbing help, here are the signs you need to know to figure out if you may have a leak.
Tips for Keeping Your Water Heater Happy
Here are some tips on how to take care of your water heater:
3 Sounds Your Water Heater Shouldn’t Make
Keep your ears alert for these noises and reach out for professional repairs as soon as you notice them:
Does Your Water Quality Need a Boost?
A professional plumber should know what the biggest challenges are going to be regarding the water quality in your area and exactly what water treatment systems will provide the best solutions.
Give Yourself the Gift of a New Water Heater
If your water heater needs to retire, it makes sense to put a new system on your holiday wishlist!
5 Ways To Tell You Need Water Heater Repairs
Know the signs that something is up with your water heater so you can reach out to us to get it fixed ASAP.
Preparing Your Plumbing For Family Gatherings
With the help of a plumber in Maple Grove, MN and the services they provide, you can enjoy knowing that your home's plumbing is in great hands.
Steps For Handling Pipe Leaks In Your Home
Addressing pipe leaks isn't easy but it is possible if you follow these helpful steps.
Do I Need a Pipe Replacement If I Have a Leak?
When to schedule a pipe replacement or repair.
Is it Time to Upgrade Your Kitchen Plumbing?
Let us explain why you should reach out to our professional team members for assistance in your kitchen upgrades this summer.
Signs You Have a Leak
We have some pointers for warning signs to look for so you can reach out for assistance with your plumbing in Maple Grove, MN before you have a big issue.
The Benefits of Plumbing Maintenance
The more use your kitchen and bathroom plumbing get, the more wear and tear they accrue.
Signs Your Water Heater Needs Repairs
Encountering problems with your water heater should prompt a quick response to your friendly, local plumber at Air Mechanical, Inc. for repairs.
Do You Need Sump Pump Repairs?
Here are some potential repairs that you may need to address to ensure your sump pump operates effectively moving forward.
3 Ways To Improve Your Water Quality
It may be time to consider making an addition to your Plymouth plumbing system to clear up your water supply.
Now Is the Perfect Time To Start Using Less Water
How can you pull back on how much water you utilize in your daily life? We have a few tips to help you do just that.
How To Protect Your Plumbing This Winter
We want to remind you now, before things get colder, to make sure your plumbing is taken care of properly.
Considerations to Make when Remodeling Your Bathroom
If you try to tackle a bathroom remodel on your own, you could potentially damage your plumbing, or you could inadvertently do an installation wrong.
Winterize Your Outdoor Faucets ASAP
It’s that time of year again. You have to start preparing your home for the cold in whatever way you can if you want to have an easier winter—and spring.
How a Water Softener Protects Your Plumbing
You may have heard someone complain about the effects of “hard water” before. Some people claim that if the water they use to wash their hair is what’s known as hard water, it makes their hair feel dry and brittle.
4 Things You Should Know about Sump Pumps
Sump pumps are powerful tools when it comes to removing water from your home. If your home is prone to filling up with water, a sump pump is a necessity, but it may also be important for homes that are not inclined toward flooding.
How to Prevent Your Pipes from Freezing
Here in Andover, plumbing repair calls must often deal with freezing pipes. Water caught in your pipes in the winter can create all kinds of havoc. As it freezes, it expands: putting your pipes under tremendous pressure and eventually causing them to burst. Plumbers deal with more burst pipes in the winter than they do the rest of the year combined, and repairs can often be quite expensive. You can help by taking some simple preventative measures before and during the cold season. Here’s how to prevent your pipes from freezing.
Ham Lake Plumbing FAQ: Do I Have a Frozen Water Line?
If you think you may have a frozen water line leading to your Ham Lake area home, call Air Mechanical ASAP. A frozen water line can burst and cause a major leak and expense...
Common Causes of Kitchen Plumbing Problems in Ham Lake
We use our home plumbing systems every day of the year. Dependable indoor plumbing is one of the greatest luxuries that modern life has to offer, and your kitchen plumbing allows you to cook and clean conveniently and hygienically...
Ham Lake Plumbing FAQ: What is a Pressure Vacuum Breaker?
We get a lot of Ham Lake plumbing questions from our customers, and one we get frequently is about pressure vacuum breakers. The plumbing experts at Air Mechanical Heating, Cooling & Plumbing want to help answer all your questions...
Plumbing Repair Tip: How Much Water Does a Leaky Faucet Waste?
A leaky faucet can be a real annoyance. The rate at which the drips come out can determine how much water you are actually losing on a given day, week, or even year. For a home that has one leaky faucet which drips only once a minute...
Plumbing Guide: Garbage Disposals Are A Kitchen Necessity
For most Andover homeowners, the garbage disposal is an essential kitchen convenience. Food preparation and cooking become much easier when peelings and scraps can just be whisked into the sink and down the drain.
Plumbing Tip: Plumbing Noises – Where They Come From and Why They Occur
Under ideal conditions, you would hear nothing from your Rogers plumbing system except the sound of running water when you turn on the tap. Unfortunately, that is not always what actually happens. In fact, your plumbing can make all types of funny...
Plumbing Guide: How to Prevent Bathroom Water Damage
Water damage. Even the mere mention of potential damage from excess water in your Fridley house is enough to send a chill down your spine. However, there are a number of things you can do to avoid such damage...
Plumbing Tip: How to Use a Plumber’s Snake
Your Cambridge home's kitchen sink is backed up and you can’t prepare dinner. Or your toilet is plugged and even the plunger isn’t fixing the problem. It may be time to call for the snake – plumber’s snake that is.
Signs that You Have Hard Water in Apple Valley
Hard water is fairly common, especially in certain regions of the country. It is called hard water because of the minerals in it, such as calcium, iron and lime. Depending on how “hard” the water is, it’s usually perfectly healthy...
Green Your Plumbing: A Tip From St. Louis Park
These days, “green plumbing” is getting increasing attention in St. Louis Park. There are a wide range of green plumbing products that can make a big difference in how much water and energy your home uses. They range from simple accessories that cost less than $20 to major home remodels.
Scald Free Showers and Bathtubs: Scald Prevention Methods
One of the worst things that can happen to you in a shower is when a sudden blast of scalding hot water strikes you unexpectedly. This is a problem for many people and usually happens when someone turns on the cold water at another tap in your Ramsey house.
Showerheads that Save Water: A Tip From Mounds View
If you are looking for ways to save water in your Mounds View home, a low-flow shower head is a great place to start. There are many different types of low-flow shower heads on the market right now, so you should have no trouble finding one that suits both your needs and your budget.
How Much Water Will I Save with a Low Flow Toilet?
There are many reasons why you might want to save water in your home. Not only does it save you money, cutting down on your annual water bill, but it allows you to do your part in reducing the impact of modernity on our environment....That is why the advent of the low flush toilet has been very well received. While the 1.6 gpf toilet (standard toilets are 3.5 gpf) was originally invented in the 1990s, it is only now becoming more widespread as issues with things like clogging and multiple flushes were commonplace with the earliest models.