Boiler or Furnace: Which Is Better?
Is a furnace or a boiler the better choice for your home? We'll help you decide.
How to Choose the Most Efficient Furnace for Your Home
No matter where you live, getting through the winter months without a furnace probably isn’t a pleasant prospect. Not all furnaces are created equal, however. There are a number of vastly different options available, each capable of meeting your heating needs in different ways.
What Are the Benefits of Electric Furnaces?
Furnaces come in a variety of types that use different energy sources. The earliest furnaces used wood and coal, and later propane and oil became popular. You can still find propane and oil furnaces warming homes today, but it’s likely that if you’re looking into getting a furnace, your choice will come down to either a natural gas or electric furnace.
Heating Tip: Gas Furnace Safety Features and Other Settings
Be sure to call one of the Ramsey heating experts at Air Mechanical the next time you need any type of service for your gas furnace. It’s important to know how your furnace works and how to control the safety features and other settings.
Heating FAQ: Why is My Gas Furnace Making That Noise?
Have you recently noticed a loud banging or explosion noise when you turn on the gas furnace in your Coon Rapids home? This can be caused by a few different things, but it’s important that you call a technician at Air Mechanical to look at your furnace any time you hear strange noises...
HVAC Guide: How to Fix a Faulty Furnace Blower
The blower fan on your furnace is designed to distribute warm air through the ductwork in your Little Canada home evenly, ensuring you use all of the energy consumed by your furnace. If the blower doesn’t turn on...
Pros and Cons of Various Heating Systems in Cedar
When it comes time to install a new heating system in your Cedar home, there are a lot of options to consider. Many people get overwhelmed when confronted with all of the furnaces, boilers and heat pumps on the market...
Furnace vs. Heat Pump: Some Pointers from Golden Valley
If you’re preparing to replace your existing heating system in your Golden Valley home, you may very well be struggling with the question of whether to go with a furnace or a heat pump for your future home heating needs.