Heating Question: Why Get a New Heating System?
With cold weather fast approaching, it’s natural to think about making sure your Andover heating system is in good shape for the coming winter. Most of the time, that just means getting a tuneup, but if your system is getting older...
Heating Contractor Guide: Components of a Geothermal Heating System
A geothermal heating system in your East Bethel home has three basic components and some add-on ones as well. Its most distinguishing feature is the ground loops. The most common is the “closed” ground loop system...
How a Furnace Works: A Guide from Champlin
Do you know how your furnace works? Believe it or not, lots of Champlin homeowners probably can’t explain the operation of furnace. It probably isn’t at the top of your “to do” list. It’s only important to know that...
When to Replace Your Air Conditioning System: A Tip From Oak Grove
One of the last things you probably want to think about is replacing the current air conditioning system in your Oak Grove home. However, the time will come when you can no longer ignore the fact that your air conditioning system is not getting the job done like it used to.
The Advantages of an Air Conditioning System in East Bethel
Just about everyone knows that air conditioning systems keep your East Bethal home's indoor environment cool and comfortable during the hot summer months. While this may be enough of a benefit for you, there are also some other benefits to having a central air conditioning system installed in your house as well. For instance, if you have someone in your household who is more susceptible to extreme temperatures than most people, an air conditioning system can actually help improve their overall health. Babies certainly fall into this category, as they have more difficulty than older children or adults do controlling their body temperature.
How Much Water Will I Save with a Low Flow Toilet?
There are many reasons why you might want to save water in your home. Not only does it save you money, cutting down on your annual water bill, but it allows you to do your part in reducing the impact of modernity on our environment....That is why the advent of the low flush toilet has been very well received. While the 1.6 gpf toilet (standard toilets are 3.5 gpf) was originally invented in the 1990s, it is only now becoming more widespread as issues with things like clogging and multiple flushes were commonplace with the earliest models.