Humidity and Home Comfort: Start Taking Control!
Humidity levels in the air make us feel uncomfortably hot, clammy, or sticky, but you can take control over humidity levels throughout your home.
Does an Air Conditioner Dehumidify?
In our area, the winters are killer, but the hot, humid summers can get just as bad. When the temperature is high, it’s often still bearable—until humidity levels start to go up. You feel warmer when there are higher levels of moisture in the air because it’s so much harder for your body to cool off when it’s humid outside.
Why It’s Worth Investing in a Whole-Home Dehumidifier
When people think of humidifiers and dehumidifiers, they often picture those small plug-in units people sometimes keep by their beds or in a central location. But this just won’t do if you’re trying to improve the air quality in your home and keep your family members more comfortable.
Whole-House Dehumidifiers: The Comfort System Your Home Is Missing
Your air conditioner works hard in the summer to keep you cool. Could yours be working harder than it needs to be?
How a Dehumidifier Can Lower Your Bills
When there is moisture in the air, you can feel it. High levels of humidity leave people with a feeling often described as “sticky” and can make you feel a lot warmer than the temperature on the thermostat would indicate.
How a Whole House Dehumidifier Can Save You Money This Summer
The greatest enemy of comfort during the summer is heat. But humidity is a close second. A dry day can make high temperatures much more bearable. But when the moisture level of the air rises, it blocks your body from effectively releasing...
Linwood AC Question: Will My Air Conditioning Work Better with Dehumidification?
There are a number of common misconceptions about humidity and air conditioning and how one affects the other. In truth, humidity is a major part of the discomfort we feel when the mercury rises. It can be 78 degrees outside but feel miserable...