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Are you one of the many Twin Cities residents who operate a gas furnace, wood stove, and/or gas-powered cooktop? Then it is important to be aware of the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless, tasteless, and invisible gas which is highly dangerous when exposed to high amounts—which is why a professional carbon monoxide alarm installation is so essential.
While we’re on the topic of home protection, don’t forget about smoke detector service. Air Mechanical, Inc. has extensive experience and training in order to adequately hardwire both of these systems into your existing electrical network, to ensure that you’ll be alerted in the case of an emergency. We’re your best choice for smoke and carbon monoxide detector installation in Minneapolis and the surrounding areas. Contact us today to learn more!
More about the Dangers of CO Poisoning
CO is produced from incomplete combustion. Today’s heating systems are built with safety in mind, however despite this, all gas or propane–powered heaters do need to exhaust the noxious carbon monoxide outside your home. However, if something goes wrong—if the vents get blocked or develop a leak, for example—it can be released indoors instead.
CO poisoning should be taken very seriously, since in the best case it can make you somewhat ill, and can be fatal in the worst case. When it comes to your safety and the safety of your family, there’s no reason to take any chances. Be sure to invest in professional carbon monoxide detector installation in Minneapolis!
Never Underestimate the Importance of Smoke Detectors
Professionally installed smoke detectors can make all the difference in alerting you to a problem in time to call the fire department, or put out a small flame before it takes over a room, or your entire home. It’s essential that you hire a professional to care for your smoke detector installation, so you can have the peace of mind that you are adequately protected.
Don’t forget to test your smoke detectors on a routine basis, either. Even a hard–wired smoke detector backed up with a battery will eventually wear out. If yours are not in good working order, we are happy to recommend our smoke detector repair services or replacement models. We work with high quality brands, with superior reliability and sensitivity—including Wi–Fi models that can alert you to dangers when you’re away from your home. We’ve shared more about this below.
Consider Smart Detectors
Have you heard of the Wi–Fi smoke detector? How about a smart carbon monoxide detector? You may be familiar with smart thermostats—which can learn your settings and adjust the temperature accordingly throughout your home. This technology is now available for smoke detectors and CO detectors as well.
Smart smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are able to alert you by smartphone if there is a danger present within your home. This is convenient for many reasons—for when you are not at home, in a room separate from where the danger is occurring and asleep, or if you are away and have pets at home. For superior protection, you’d do well to consider the installation of both smart smoke detectors and smart carbon monoxide detectors. We’re happy to go over with you the various benefits of each—give us a call today for smart smoke detector and smart carbon monoxide detector installation services!
Why Choose Air Mechanical?
When it comes to something as important to your health and safety as smoke and carbon monoxide detector installation in Minneapolis, expertise matters. Fortunately, Air Mechanical has all the experience necessary to ensure the best results for you. When you call our technicians for expert carbon monoxide detector service or smoke detector installation service, you’ll be able to rest easier knowing you’re getting the most experienced people in the area working for you. We make sure all our representatives are fully trained to provide smoke detector maintenance as well as carbon monoxide detector maintenance so your equipment will work properly when you need it to. To schedule an appointment or learn more, get in touch with us today.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the signs I need a new smoke or carbon monoxide detector?
Some of the signs you need smoke or carbon monoxide detector replacement include constant chirping that doesn’t stop when the battery is replaced. Other warning signs include units that won’t respond when the test button is pressed or start to appear yellow. Additionally, if you know that your units are more than 10 years old, it’s time for carbon monoxide or smoke detector replacement.
What are the CO alarm requirements in Minnesota?
Minnesota state law requires that carbon monoxide detectors be installed in all single-family and multifamily apartments.
What is the difference between smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors?
The most obvious difference is that smoke detectors are used to warn residents in the event of a fire breaking out, while carbon monoxide alarms are meant to alert homeowners of dangerous levels of CO inside their homes. Although many people believe it’s not necessary to have both in your home, the truth is that CO can be present in your home without smoke. This means a smoke detector by itself will not warn you when CO rises to hazardous amounts. To keep you and your family safe and comply with state law, it’s necessary to have both devices installed in your home.