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Why Does My Air Conditioning Need An Air Filter?
In order for your AC to work properly, you need to make certain that all of its components are absolutely uninhibited by the buildup of dust, dirt, and other debris. The best way to do so is by keeping your air filter clean. This relatively inexpensive and small part plays a major role in the integrity and effectiveness of your cooling system. In today's post, we'd like to explain some of the reasons why your air conditioning needs an air filter. Call the Andover, MN air conditioning experts at Air Mechanical Inc. for more information on what type of filter you should have in your home. There are three main reasons why your AC needs an air filter: system longevity, energy efficiency, and performance. An AC is a major investment of your resources and you want it to last as long as possible. The buildup of dust and other debris can have serious effects on the the longevity of your AC, especially once they have entered into motor components, or have been caked on the coils. Any alteration of the system-wide balance of thermal transfer required by the refrigerant cycle can cause issues in areas that are themselves not affected by the buildup of debris. Energy costs are high enough as it is, but by allowing debris to infiltrate your system, you invite the risk of higher than average energy costs. For example, even a thin layer of debris covering your coils can actually prevent the heat absorption and dissipation processes enough to require more energy expenditure. Lastly, all of this affects the cooling performance of your air conditioner. In order to make certain that your AC gives you the comfort you deserve during the cooling season, it needs to be kept clean. Make sure to keep your air filter clean at all times. Replace it about once a month during the peak cooling season to restore efficiency and performance, as well as system longevity. Call Air Mechanical Inc. today for all of your Andover, MN air conditioning needs.
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