When you want to have boiler installation in Blaine, MN, contact our technicians at Air Mechanical, Inc. and find out about your options. We’ve installed boilers since 1985.
The benefits of a boiler
- Fewer repair needs: Boilers do not have the same number of mechanical moving parts as other systems, such as furnaces and heat pumps. Because of this, they have fewer parts that will wear down and require repair or replacement. As long as you provide your boiler with regular maintenance, you should experience few problems with it during its lifetime.
- Extended lifetime: Speaking of which… boilers can outlast most heating systems because of their resistance to wear and tear. It’s not surprising to have a boiler warm up a whole generation growing up in a home.
- Quiet operation: No more noisy furnaces roaring to life; the hydronic power of a boiler is nearly silent.
- Low-cost installation: Aside from the savings you’ll receive from reduced repairs and an enhanced lifespan, boilers will save you money because their initial installation costs are low compared to many other systems.
- Better air quality: Since boilers use heat radiating off objects to warm up rooms instead of air forced through vents, they provide heat without contamination. They are especially beneficial for households with people who have allergies.