It is an unpleasant realization to discover that somethings wrong with your heater. If your heater breaks down, it means that you may be looking at days or even weeks dealing with a cold home. You shouldn't have to battle with this though. We are here to help with your heating system whenever it acts up.
It pays to keep tabs on your heater, especially if it develops a repair need. Knowing what the signs of a problem are with your heating in Blaine, MN can go a long way in keeping things comfortable. This is because you can hop on getting those repairs knocked out before your system completely stops working.
3 Bigger Problems a Heater Can Have
If you have a more serious issue with your heater, it means a repair is important for both your comfort and your safety. Here are some of the scarier issues a heating system may have.
An Indicator Your Heat Pump Needs Help
Hearing hissing from your heart pump? If you notice there is a sound like this coming from your heat pump and picking up on heating issues, it likely means that you have a refrigerant leak.
This is highly problematic because a leak in your refrigerant line can ruin your comfort and eventually break down the entire system. What's more, refrigerant isn't healthy for humans so the sooner the leak is patched the better off you'll be. Don't forget to have your refrigerant recharged too after the leak is patched.
Is Your Furnace Fighting To Keep You Warm?
Things are getting chilly in the house even though your furnace is obviously working hard. You may also be hearing a hissing or whistling noise from your furnace.
If you notice this sound, along with a lack of heat and the smell of gas, shut off your furnace immediately. The sound may be caused by a leak due to a cracked heat exchanger. That crack may be allowing combustion gases to make it into your home, which ruins your comfort and can be highly hazardous to your house!
Have No Heat in Your Home?
Last but not least, don't ignore a complete lack of heat in your home--although it is highly unlikely that you would. If your heater is running or seems to be trying to, but you aren't getting any heat, you can have a serious problem on your hand. This may mean an electrical issue or even a problem with the thermostat.
This doesn't always mean a gas leak or a refrigerant problem, but it still means a serious problem. A heater that doesn't produce heat is one that either needs repairs or a full replacement.
Is your heater in trouble? If it is, you absolutely need to get those repairs taken care of ASAP. Our team is here to provide the expert service you need to keep your heater working safely and effectively.
Schedule your appointment with Air Mechanical, Inc. today. We work hard to make sure our customers can always rely on us.