Merv who?
No, Merv is not your grandfather’s new best friend. MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) is a rating system for the effectiveness of an air or furnace filter. In other words, how well is your air being filtered? This rating is measured by how small and how many particles the filter catches. As you can see on the ... Merv who?
Why You Should Never Skip Out on Water Heater Maintenance
There are not many systems within your home that do more work than your water heater.
What Traits Should You Look for in an HVAC Contractor?
Many HVAC companies boast their good qualities, but do they all deliver? Here's what to look for in an HVAC contractor.
To Suffer or (Ductless) Split?
I live in an attic. Let me clarify, I live in an attic which is not properly ventilated. This means that at any given time, my bedroom feels like it’s either ten degrees warmer or cooler than the temperature in the rest of the house. And right now it’s summer, so while the temperature on ... To Suffer or (Ductless) Split?
Bio-Clean Treatment V.S. Draino
You’ve been there before: standing in the shower, up to your ankles in water, praying this isn’t what you think it is. Your drain’s clogged again and you really don’t want to deal with it. Depending on how large and how hairy your family is, this can be a monthly issue. And it’s a pain to ... Bio-Clean Treatment V.S. Draino
How to Get the Most from Your Heater This Winter
There are certainly ways in which to get the most out of your heater, and potentially boost its efficiency.
Here’s What Could Happen If You Skipped Furnace Maintenance
Furnace maintenance should be scheduled at least once a year, to fend off repairs, extend the life of your heating system, and more.
Is Hard Water Really a Big Deal?
These days, most municipal water supplies have a good level of filtration and conditioning before they reach your faucets. And if you use ground water from a private well, you probably have some sort of water treatment system on site. However, something that most people don’t realize is missing from their homes is protection from ... Is Hard Water Really a Big Deal?
Top 3 Reasons You May Need a Professional Plumber
Here are the top 3 reasons you should resist the urge to self-diagnose and self-repair, and instead call a professional plumber.
How a Heat Pump Cools and Heats Your Home
Generating heat is a more energy-intensive process than moving heat, and a heat pump could cut your energy use by a third!
What’s the Best Way to Clean an Air Conditioner?
You want to keep every part of your home clean and in the best condition possible, but a complex piece of equipment like an air conditioner means a challenge.
Humidity and Home Comfort: Start Taking Control!
Humidity levels in the air make us feel uncomfortably hot, clammy, or sticky, but you can take control over humidity levels throughout your home.